Erik Klop and Pieter Hoogendijk, tax advisors at Visser & Visser, carried off the very first Tax Innovator Award during the Sdu-organized event ‘The Integrated Experience’, held on November 18, 2021. Sdu presents this award to a firm of advisors that has shown itself to be highly innovative.
According to Erik Klop, the award shines a light on one of the cultural values within Visser & Visser: ‘innovative’. “In recent years the advisory practice has made the significant switch from working on demand to providing data-driven advice. Partly thanks to the collaboration with its IT business unit Growteq, Visser & Visser is a leader in the area of data. Technology and professional practices are united within the Data Intelligence Unit, a project group that promotes and facilitates the use of IT and data in colleagues’ work within all business units of the Visser & Visser group.”
Examples of data-driven solutions originating from the Data Intelligence Unit include the personalized Budget Day mailing sent out annually to clients and a data warehouse where tax analyses are performed. Erik: “As a firm our vision is to develop a strategy by 2030 that revolves around data, such as data-driven advice. In Pieter Hoogendijk and many other colleagues we have identified people who can drive this vision forward and make it work in practice. That really is a great combination.”