Looking out for others & understanding the essence of your profession

If you have worked in a field for over 25 years, you will have seen a lot of changes. For Stefan that is what makes his work so interesting! His life experience makes him a helpful discussion partner for clients, colleagues and others. Interested to discover how he makes a difference at Visser & Visser? Read on to find out!

As a Tax Advisor Manager, Stefan manages various colleagues. “Or, rather, I guide them”, he adds. “I’m the contact for all kinds of issues and specialize in VAT and transfer tax. But you can also come to me with questions about other kinds of taxes too, such as corporation tax, income tax, and gift and inheritance tax. So I cover a wide range of areas! A lot is happening in the area of VAT; it’s a field that’s constantly evolving. That’s what’s so interesting about the profession. I focus on the issues that require attention – within my team, across the organization and for clients.”

Managing means looking ahead

For Stefan, keeping a close eye on professional study programs, case-law and politics doesn’t feel like work. It is something that comes naturally to him. “I really enjoy following politics. I watch the general and financial debates in the Dutch House of Representatives, for example. That way you get to hear the discussions live and, if something is changing, you know about it at an early stage”, he explains. “If there are developments in case-law, this can cause a great deal of anxiety for clients. But if we identify the issue of concern early and delve into it in detail, you’ll know what you need to watch out for and can prepare your organization for this”.

He also shares his own take on things with clients and colleagues. He explains: “In the end you want to make the difference for a client. That is the essence of the profession. Within the limits of what laws and regulations allow, we try to find the most creative solutions to make something as fiscally advantageous as possible. That’s the game! I always hope that the client will get me involved in good time, as often significant interests are at stake. A small adjustment in advance can make the world of difference when it comes to tax. Sometimes you can make huge savings if you do something just a little bit differently. That’s where the value lies.”

A listening ear

The fact that identifying issues in good time can make a crucial difference is something that Stefan has also noticed in another role – one that he has held for almost twenty years. As a volunteer with Gevangenenzorg Nederland (Prison Fellowship Netherlands), he visits prisons to talk to inmates. “There I’m speaking to a completely different section of society”, he explains. “People who are not living in a healthy environment. They are extremely vulnerable to all kinds of things. Sometimes the signs that someone is suffering from a disorder are not taken seriously. That is such a shame.”

“It’s a privilege to be able to help people. I do this by listening attentively to someone’s story.”

His aim is to create a situation in which you can prevent things from going wrong again. He explains: “I like offering a helping hand. As a volunteer I’m doing that on an entirely different level. Ultimately, I want to bring about a change in how people think and act. I’m able to get involved in this volunteer work partly because Visser & Visser gives me the freedom to divide up my schedule myself. Suddenly, flexibility then has real value.”

Wealth of life experience

Stefan concludes that his broad perspective on society is also an asset in his work. “Clients come to us for help with tax-related matters. But behind every individual there’s a story. We talk about financial interests, but all kinds of other aspects have a defining impact on our lives. My experience makes me feel more comfortable, in my Senior-level role, about raising these issues as well. How can I actually make a difference here? That’s the question I always ask. That makes my job at Visser & Visser meaningful.”

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