Marisha embodies a winner’s mentality. She has the next step in her career clearly mapped out. She helps clients achieve the best result. And... she recently revealed her competitive side to her colleagues. Interested to discover how she can develop her strengths at Visser & Visser? Read on to find out!

Marisha works as a Junior Client Advisor at Visser & Visser. To explain exactly what this role involves, she starts at the beginning: “You actually start out as an Assistant Accountant doing actual accounting work, such as compiling financial statements, keeping accounts and completing VAT returns. You then move on to the Junior role, which is what I’m doing now. In this role I’m in touch with clients more and, as a point of contact, I have more responsibility. I’m also involved more and more in the advice we draw up.”

The story behind the figures

Marisha has already given plenty of thought to her next step. “Once I have more responsibilities, my plan is to become a Client Advisor. At the same time, I’m also studying for my accountant’s qualification. But that’s going to take a while!”

At one point it looked like she would actually be entering an entirely different field. She followed a social course in the area of psychiatry. “Even now I find the social aspect of my job the most enjoyable. I get to know clients better and better and build up more of the background to an issue. You find out what the actual motivation behind a company is, for example. That immediately makes it much more interesting to dive into the figures. They then tell you a lot more... They come to life more.”

Competitive by nature

Marisha explains that in her role she comes into contact with various disciplines within Visser & Visser. “If my client has tax-related questions, I look at these with tax specialists. I also sometimes work with colleagues from the Audit department. We prepare financial statements and need to examine the figures in depth. If they subsequently audit the financial statements, they come to me with any questions. At the moment, I’m mostly still dealing with smaller clients, but things are getting ever bigger and more complex.”

“It’s important that I still find it stimulating. As long as I’ve got a chance of winning, I go for it.”

Marisha therefore does not shy away from a challenge. She can get quite competitive about them. “I only recently revealed this side of myself to my colleagues”, she laughs. “We had an event and were going to play beach volleyball. I’m pretty sporty, so of course I wanted to win! My friends will no doubt recognize that from our games evenings. When we’re guessing words while playing 30 Seconds there can be a fair bit of shouting and screaming. It’s probably best that we don’t play that one in the office...”

Helping clients succeed

Does Marisha take this winner’s mentality with her into the workplace? She says that it depends on how you look at it. “It’s not my ambition to be the best by comparison with my colleagues. But I want to achieve the best result for my client. Identifying challenges, making tactical choices and seizing opportunities – that’s something you could also see as winning, I think.”

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